Massage Therapy
Massage Bodywork
Each massage is customized just for your body and your needs. Massage will address acute and chronic pain issues, repetitive movement injury, tension from stress, past injury, migraines, headaches, neck pain, shoulder, elbow, wrist, back, hip pain, etc. A variety of modalities may be used during massage including hot stones, infrared heat lamp, selenite wands/palm stones, tens unit, cupping, Gua Sha, and/or manual tools. Massage techniques include therapeutic touch, joint physics, muscle energy release, deep tissue, passive and active ROM stretching, reflexology, acupressure, trigger point, myofascial release, and Swedish massage.
- 30 minute $35
- 60 minute $70
- 90 minute $100
- 120 minute $130
Ashiatsu Bar Massage
"Ashi" means foot and "atsu" means pressure. The therapist utilizes bars secured above the table for stabilization while applying deep, smooth, constant pressure to the body with clean feet. Intensely relaxing pressure eases tight sore muscle pain. The whole body is massaged gently and slowly.
Ashiatsu massage
- 90 minutes $105
- 120 mintues $130