My name is Noelle Eveland LMT
I am the mother of three kiddos, I have a great dog, I love to cook and clean. I mess around with the guitar a bit, I love music, almost any kind, I love lyrics! I'm big on words of affirmation and physical touch I think they both have healing powers. I do a lot of sewing and canning and I like old stuff. I love working and playing hard. I am not only a licensed massage therapist certified in manual therapy I also practice holistic and natural remedies on myself and my family. I think that prevention is key in life when it comes your health. Proactive Wellness Partners Massage is my way of saying, "I care about you and your health and your happiness. Let's work together to get better!! I would love to be your Massage Therapist as well as your Proactive Wellness Partner!!" Thanks for Visiting the site.

I would like to say a very big THANK YOU to my friend
Dr. Art Zeilinger for sharing his office space!!
Zeilinger Chiropratic PLC
123 S Warren Ave
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Without him this would not be possible!!